About SKII Magazine

SKII Magazine –  There’s No Limits –  To Reaching The Top

Is about Famous People  –  I want to know what roads have you taken,  to become  famous?  and  Entrepreneurs  – What roads are you taking towards your endeavors,  in becoming famous?  I know,  every individual,  take different roads towards their goals in life.  Inquiring minds want to know, what do I have to  do?  Is there some secret recipe?  Do I have to be guided by what is destined for me?  In this magazine, I had the pleasure of interviewing approximately 20 individuals, who are famous; close to being famous; and entrepreneurs who are on the right track, to reaching their goals.  I can honestly say… each and every one of these individuals  are walking  different paths  towards their goals. wendy williams SKII Magazine,  was founded in 2009. Determined to be different, I came up with this concept in creating a magazine that would dig deep into ones mind.   I wanted to  crack  that code, which some people hold so dearly.  It was an A-hah moment.  Could it be?   Can I finally find out?   Now that you are famous – was the  roads,  towards your destination,  straight and narrow?   Or…  was  there obstacles in your way. In  this  issue of  SKII Magazine,   You would be able to read  blogs about these  individuals  I have   interviewed.  You would be able to see, although their walks of life are different, they are all striving to becoming famous.   You could read  their  full story,  in this months issue of  SKII  Magazine.      I’ve interviewed…   VISIONS Mogul, Real Estate Moguls  and  Inspired In New York Honorees;   Writers, Singers, Rappers  and Fashion of all kinds including Dungarees;  Songwriters, Comedians and  Black Heritage Ball Honoree;  Motorcycle Inventors, Accessories Inventors, Painters of Motorcycles with sticks;  CEO’s of Jewelry, Novelty Retailor and Pageant Winners.  DSC_0341CEO To Stop Bullying and Leather Corsette and a DonutTologist;  I’m an entrepreneur like most of you.  I’m still striving towards my goals.  The many roads I have taken, lead me to better things.  It’s like when I was young.  I have always dreamed of becoming a Police Officer.  I worked for many security companies.  I was a Police Administrative Assistant in the precinct.  One day, I looked up and I was a Police Officer who was eventually promoted to Detective in the NYPD.  Now, I am retired and my many businesses,  never looked brighter for me.  I am still young enough, where I can venture out into the world and look to see where that next road is going to lead me.  My point is….  I dreamed of becoming somebody.  I am achieving my goal in becoming someone very successful.  I dreamed of writing a book. I wrote such book.   It’s called “The Navigator.”  It’s at Amazon; Barnes & Noble;  Go online to read a preview.   I dreamed of becoming a singer/songwriter and actress.  I have became a singer/songwriter and actress.  I have acted in many stage plays off and on Broadway and I also wrote songs for many.   I have directed and wrote all original songs for a  play called… “I LOST MY HEART IN HAITI”.  An exclusive  interview of me and the writer of the play,  are currently on YOUTUBE.  I  also have another song on YOUTUBE called…  “When Someone Young Dies-Anngeannette Pinkston”.  Which was written and composed by me.  Sung by… My  daughter  and  I.    This song was inspired by the senseless shooting in Newtown Connecticut, Sandy Hook Elementary School, which took the lives  of  26 people (Children and adult alike).  It’s also dedicated to all of the individuals who were caught up in senseless killings, whether it was by a gun, an object, someone’s hands, knife etc.     “When Someone Young Dies”is currently being played on Radio Stations;  Kids “Hot Topic” Discussions;  Adult Panelist discussions;  Conventions;  Funerals; Domestic Violence Fund Raisers,  etc…..  DSCN4053 I would like  to thank each and every one of the  different  brands,  who have participated  in  and  supported  my  magazine and  the fashion industry.  It was an honor  interviewing  such amazing brands.  I would like to thank the individuals, who had helped me in creating such an amazing magazine.  You  pitched in and helped me in every aspect.  You helped me bring this magazine to life. I hope, each of you are as proud as I am in what we have accomplished.  I would like to thank the media, photographers, videographers, designers, models, musicians, D. J. and most of all, I would like to thank my viewers.  Thank you for reading my magazine,  and thank you for  helping me  with   your comments on the magazine.  I am  always looking for your comments on making my magazine better.  Last  but not least…  I would like to thank My Heavenly Father in Heaven.  Thank you GOD.  If it wasn’t for you, the thought of creating SKII Magazine, would not have been accomplished.   Someone once said….  “Every big dream,   begins  with a dreamer.”    That’s so true.  I would  like you to –  Be Determined. Don’t Be Afraid. Don’t Give Up. Sometimes, the   ROADS  NOT  TAKEN,  could   be   the   RIGHT  ROAD  TO  YOUR  SUCCESS.             My motto is…   If You Dream it, You Can Achieve it!” Thank you for dreaming big….

Anngeannette Pinkston CEO/President of SKII Magazine, “There’s No Limits To Reaching the Top”   logo