Anthony McCarthy / Flava Life

I interviewed Anthony McCarthy,  who is the creator of a clothing line called “Flava Life.”   While talking to Anthony McCarthy, He told me that he is putting together his summer  clothing line  for adults and children.   He also said,   I was a teenager when I realized I wanted to start creating my own clothing line.  . I have always been a big guy, and I had to make sure, I would try to find clothes that fit me.  So I started my own clothing line for myself.  Many people liked my clothing line  and  my  logo  “Flava Life” so much,   they began asking me to make clothes for them!  That’s how I began   creating clothing for everyone.   Adults and Children  clothing line.   I would revamp material to look the way I wanted it to look.

He was born in Brooklyn, NY.  His  family  sent him to  Jamaica, where he grew up.  By the age of 18,   he eventually came back to NY and moved to Staten Island with his wife and three children (Teana -11,  Tiara-10 and Anthony-7).   He said..  I was raised in  two different worlds.  That’s how,  I came up with the name..  Flava Life.  My expectations  in life;  is to become a great success.  . I want to help people who want to be helped.   I want to spread my love of fashion to everyone,  whether they  are my size and can’t find clothes to fit them,  or  smaller.  .  Five years from now, I will  be  successful.  You will see my  clothing line with  (my brand)  all over NYC and out of the country.   I  love   helping  other people with their career as a designer. I will show them how to get started.

I was afraid at first to start a clothing line. I thought people would make fun of me because, I was making my own clothes to fit me.  It’s been the total opposite.  People welcomed me with open arms.   My mother inspired me to make my own clothes.  That’s how I really got started.   She  pushed me to reach my goals.  My kids gave me the energy to go forth.   They  are my biggest fans.  Last  but  not least, is  my boss, Tom Muncay.  He gave me a push to go forward also.   I talked about my brand so much,  he told me to forget talking about it and just do it. Those  people are my biggest inspirations in life.

My clothing will be  here forever.   Everyone  will wear my  clothing.  Flava Life clothing line is for everyone.    From toddlers to adults.  from  men  to  women.  My  clothing line  “Flava Life”   is for all walks of life.

Albert Felder / Angry Elephant

 10 years ago


 10 years ago