Ena Williams “Black Heritage Ball”

Black Heritage Ball

Ena Williams:

Ena Williams was one of the recipients of the Leadership Award from The Black Heritage Ball.

SKII: What brings you here tonight?

Ena: I’m going to receive an award from The Black Heritage Ball, hosted by Darren. I’m a Vice President of nursing, and the Associate Chief in nursing.

SKII: How long have you been working at the hospital?

Ena: I’ve been a nurse for thirty-five years, but I’ve been at my current position for three years now. Prior to this, I was the Director of the Operating Room.

SKII: Where is the hospital you work at located?

Ena: The hospital is located here, in Connecticut, on York Street.  My actual office is located on St. Vincent’s Campus. We purchased that hospital about 2 ½ years ago. That’s where I received my promotion. Part of my job was to integrate that hospital into the same standards as any other hospital.

SKII: Where were you born and raised?

Ena: I started my life in Jamaica. I was a nurse in Jamaica. I’d done 12 years in Intensive Care, there. I became a Director of the Operating Room before I migrated to the United States. My husband and I came to the United States together. He’d attained a scholarship here and this is where we stayed and made a home for ourselves.

SKII: How many children do you have?

Ena: I have 3 children and my youngest son is here with me tonight. His name is Alex. Alex is a student at F.I.T. He is studying photography and videography. My eldest, daughter Andrea, is a substitute teacher. She’s in a graduate program, right now, studying to become a fashion designer. My son Andrew lives in New Jersey, but works in New York. He is in the Music Recording Industry. Last, but not least, my husband, Leonard is an Administrative Chaplain, at a hospital. My family is a busy family.

Although everyone couldn’t be here tonight to help me celebrate receiving my award, they’ll give me congratulations by giving me flowers, and “I Love You’s”. I’m very happy to be here tonight and I am much honored to receive such a beautiful award. Thank you, Darren – who is the host for tonight, he thought I deserved this award. I can honestly say, it’s the best gift ever. So, I’m sharing this award with my family and enjoying the night. It’s a great event.

SKII: A great woman receiving a great award. She has accomplished so much in her life and she is still striving to do more. Looking to see what’s next for Ena Williams.


Ena Williams BHB 1 Ena Williams  BHB

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