Brandon “Loves2sing” Deporras

Brandon 4  His name is Brandon.  A young aspiring singer who would to one day make it big in this big city.  He has the voice and the charisma to achieve whatever he desires.  Right now, at the tender age of 13, he is heading into the right direction.

Brandon #1   SKII:  Tell me a little about yourself?

Brandon:  My name is Brandon.  I’m 13 years old and I will be 14 this month on May 22nd.  I go to MS 202 Robert H. Goddard Middle School.  It’s a great school.  I’m graduating this year from the 8th grade.  This September 2015, I will be attending Richman Hill high school for 9th grade.

SKII:  Name a  curriculum in your school, you find interesting?

Brandon:  I’m in the choir of my school.  We practice every Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday.  After practicing, we perform in front of the school on the stage in the auditorium.  We do talent shows, winter shows, spring shows etc…  There is a spring show coming up soon and I am excited to be a part of.  It’s called “The Blooming Arts Festival.  I love It.

SKII:  What programs are you mostly looking forward to at your new school in September?

Brandon:  My goal is to become a more knowledgeable singer in the music industry.  I am a great singer and I am looking forward to furthering my career in that direction.  My singing along with education, I will be unstoppable.

SKII:  Do you act?

Brandon:  No.  I’m not good at acting.  Don’t get me wrong, if I had to perform on Broadway or television, (doing acting and singing), I will learn how to act and love it.  Music always came easy to me.

SKII:  I’ve heard some great things about you.  You’re  going to be in a you tube video soon?

Brandon:  Yes I am.  The song I will be performing is called:  “When Someone Young Dies”.  It was written, composed and sung by a very good friend of my mom.  Actually she is singing the song with her daughter.  It’s an awesome song.  It’s on you tube right now.  You can listen to them at…  “When Someone Young Dies by Anngeannette and it will pop right up.  I am also going to upload a video of me singing one of Beyoncé’s new songs called:  Pretty Hurts”.

SKII:  What’s  the name of a few artists you’ve uploaded and sung on youtube?

Brandon:  Jasmine Sullivan.  After the Sandy Hurricane  I’ve sung Mariah Carey song – “All I Want For Christmas Is You.  Beyoncé’s “Love On Top and many others.

SKII:  So, you are a regular on you tube uploading videos of yourself singing.  How often do you do this and what is your name on you tube?

Brandon:  I upload videos of myself singing every month.  I have at least 6 to 7 videos up now.  You can find me on you tube.  Look up “Brandon Loves2Sing” to watch some of my videos.

SKII:  What motivates you to sing these songs?

Brandon:  The thing that motivates me is….  depends on the way I feel.  Whether I am happy or sad.  Angry and feeling good.  The songs I sing can be upbeat or slow.  Whatever I feel, I will sing.  It’s a passion of mine.  I love singing.  My songs are sung from my heart.  It’s stress relieving for me.

Brandon 3SKII:  Who inspires you the most?

Brandon:  My mom inspires me the most.  My mom is always there for me.  She does everything for me.  That’s my mom.  Always caring and passionate about her family.  My mom is my mom and dad.  She always took care of me and she always made sure I had when I needed.  She supported me with everything.  Even through the hard stuff we went through, she always dealt with it.  My mom is a strong and dedicated person.  She went without for us to have.  She was always there for her children.  She always put us first before herself; any man; any family members; any person on the outside.  They always came second after us.  She’s just a phenomenal woman.  I put her on a pedestal.  I love her.  She doesn’t hear that a lot from me but, I must say I truly love my mom.  I don’t get to see her a lot because she is always working to make sure we have a lot and would never want anything or beg for anything from anyone else.  My mom is my true inspiration.  Thank you mom for everything you are doing for us.

SKII:  You also said Mariah Carey inspires you second.  Why Mariah?

Brandon:  Who doesn’t love Mariah.  Like Mariah said…  “There’s Always Got to be A Way”.  Mariah is the queen of songs.  I’m always singing her music.  “Vision Of Love; Make It happen; Emotions; Dream lover”  I can go on and on.  I sing all of her songs.  Mariah is my queen of songs.  All of her songs have a message and they all helped me get through great and bad times.  I love her songs.  (Brandon began to sing one of Mariah’s song – There’s Got To Be A Way) *Great Voice*

SKII:  What’s next for you Brandon?

Brandon:  I want to see my name in lights.  I want to be on that Marque where everyone would know my name.  I want to become famous and I know I’m going to make it.

SKII:  What would you say to a friend who want to quit singing?

Brandon:  I will tell them to not give up.  Don’t quit.  It will get better.  Things are not that bad so hang in there.  Don’t worry about what other people think about you.  Set your goal and accomplish it.  Don’t quit.  Just be the best you can possibly be and watch how much you will accomplish.

SKII:  To be so you and yet so old in his soul.  Brandon is smart, a great singer and passionate about his mother (which is his number one girl) and others.  I definitely see his name in bright lights one day. 



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