Ca-Lec “Buttacool” Little


Butta change


Ca-Lec Buttacool Little

He’s an entrepreneur who is definitely on the right track to becoming famous.  He attended College “Imperial Valley College” in Southern  California where he  initially went there on a scholarship to play ball.  At “Imperial Valley College”,   he realized music was his passion.  So he began  to get heavily involved into music.  He has written songs as a “Ghost Writing” for famous artists.  When he received the checks for ghost writing, he knew this was his calling.  It motivated him to continue ghost writing for other artists.  He is currently involved in touring all over the world.  The name of the label is called…  “LOTTA MONEY HOUSE” Entertainment,  “The Dean’s list Tour (College Base Tour)” is the people that is funding the tour.  He’s touring in Ohio, Louisville and Atlanta.  He is currently in a contest for:  New Artist Of The Year with the ASMA Award.  To vote for him, go to:  He is definitely on the rise.

Ca-lec “Buttacool” Little would say… Butta has always been my name since I was young. My family gave me that name. Growing up wasn’t easy. I’ve done things I shouldn’t have done. I’ve done bad things. I remember there were times when I slept on trains, hallways, basically anything I can possibly lay my head down. I was accused of things because I hung out with the wrong crowd. I remember finally making it to high school. I went to Grady high school. I was hanging out with the wrong crowd and something happened. Yes I was there when that thing happened but, I wasn’t involved. It didn’t matter. I was there (they said), I was part of it and they kicked me out of that school. I then went to Erasmus high school. That didn’t work out either. I continued to follow the wrong crowd until I was put into Carnasie High School. I went to this school and I can honestly say that it has great teachers who not only teach academic lessons but life lessons too.  Shout out to Tommy Allen; Coach Gus; David Harris; Ted Ford…. you guys are the best. If it werent for these people and more (Theres a long list of people who helped me. You know who you are), I would have been kicked out of another school. I would have been kicked out of this school. I always say… Its The school that saved my life. They had basketball and music and things I was able to relate to. This was a great experience for me. If it wasnt for those people, I would have been robbing people and doing LORD knows what. Thank you for saving my life.  

I really didn’t grow up with my family. I mean, I had a family but, the streets was my family. I have an uncle or an aunt who would help me out here or there but, I can honestly say, Brooklyn and 122nd street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan, helped me out a lot. There were times when I didn’t have Sugar Honey Ice Tea, my street family helped me out. I mean, they gave me sneakers, clothes to wear, jackets to keep me warm. Whatever. When I say, I didn’t have nothing. I mean I didn’t have nothing..   They held me down. My streets family held me down. Shout outs to my family in Brooklyn and my family who really held me down, 122nd street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. Now that my immediate family see me on Face book and Instagram, they try to reach out to me. I just want them to see how I’m doing. I want them to be proud of me.

I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter. Her name is Skyla Madison. She is my biggest inspiration in life. I love her. She saved my life also. I’m not married. Currently not dating. I don’t have a significant other. My life is too busy. I will one day start dating again but, right now, I’m not involved. I’m single ladies. I love Hot chocolate, ice cream and netflixs. Every once in a while a little herb don’t hurt. But, that’s what I like. In that order.

My label – Lotta Money House entertainment has been very good to me. Since working with them, I have nothing but greatness coming into my life. They are like family to me. (Shout-out to LBASE-the boss Scott Morris whose the founder of the deans list tours Hollywood YSA


My aspirations in life is to be great. Just be great in whatever I do. Whoever is in my circle will move up with me when I do. I’m really trying to build an empire. If I fall off, my man next to me will have my back. I will help you with your brand. I will help you build your empire. That’s the way I am. I’m just trying to network with everyone. Because, whoever I am around, is doing something positive. I want all of us to move up together. Because if all of us move up, there’s no stopping us. That’s how I feel. Shout out to “Q”.   This guy right here,  is dope. He’s very dope.

Life is inspiring me. Since getting involved with the music world, I can honestly say… Life is Good. I get paid for ghost writing for artists. Since joining my label :Lotta Money Houde Entertainment, I’ve been blessed. I don’t have to worry about where I am going to rest my head. I don’t have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. I’m truly tired of seeing people who are so talented and yet, they are still struggling. Me. I don’t want to be like that. I’m a hip hop artist. A rapper and a songwriter. I’m about to get heavily into the genre. Right now, I’m just working on my projects and other people projects too.  

My album is coming out soon – “The Cool Zone – Shades of Cool” It’s coming out in December. I’m so excited about that.   “Real Recognize Real” “Tripple R”.   I have a web called – “The Cool Corner”. It’s a show for up and becoming artists, I also have a clothing line called – “GODs Peace”. It’s with Corey Terrel. You see…   I’m about something. I told you, I want to take over the music market. I want to take over the music world. I love this life.

If I was to talk to a young person, a younger me… I would tell them to stop F%$#ing around with those girls. Leave those girls alone. Stop messing around in the streets. You can be street smart but you can also be book smart. Stay in school. Your young. You should want to finish school and not following around with the wrong crowd. The wrong crowd will get you locked up in a Juvenile facility or jail when you turn 16. So don’t ne a knucklehead. You don’t have to impress anybody. Just impress yourself. . Stay focused on one thing. If you want to do something, stay focused. Go after your dream.

Buttacool was his name as a child and he carried that name with him as an adult. He hung out with the wrong crowd and did some mischievous things as a child but, something/someone woke him up and he realized he was going down the wrong path. He is young, talented and very wise. He is a mentor trying to instill positive influence into youths and adults. He is trying to tell you, with the background he had while growing up, it allowed him to turn his life around. And because of that, he became someone positive. He is now a world renowned rapper whose in competition to be recognized as . New Artist Of The Year with the ASMA Award “VOTE FOR HIM online. Go to: . He’s an entrepreneur who has his own clothing line, he has his own website for up and becoming artists; He went to; Imperial Valley College” in Southern  California  He’s written songs as a “Ghost Writing” for famous and up and becoming artists.  Ca-lec “Buttacool” Little seems to have done it all but, that’s just the beginning of his success. Watch out for him. I know his name is going to be written on billboards at arenas one day. Keep an eye on him. Ca-lec “Buttacool” little… A name to remember.

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