Ceylone Boothe-Groom



Ceylone Boothe-Groom

She is one of two women to become a three (3) time winner of Mrs. New jersey United States Pageant in 2009; Mrs. New Jersey America in 2011  and Mrs. New Jersey international in 2013,  She’s a reigning  beauty queen  – Mrs. New Jersey “Ceylone Boothe.”  She is the Inner and Outer Beauty Ambassador.  She’s the spokesperson  for the Esther Project – Every Woman’s Guide To living With Passion And Purpose.  She help women find their inner essence, by showing them that they are beautiful inside as well as the outside.  She’s a Makeup Artist by trade.  She said it’s very important for  people  to look their best because,  when they look their  best, they’ll feel their best.  She believes in the LORD.  She believes in putting GOD first before doing anything.

I was excited being at the #ACTIVATE conference. . I was honored to be there. I want to say to all the women that was there, to dream big and to know that GOD is always in control. If your doing something that you would want to do, and you know that it is your passion and you know that you were put here to do… don’t let anyone discourage you. Don’t be around negative people. Watch who you surround yourself with. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with people who are investing in your dream. Last but not least, Do your homework. Make sure that you are preparing yourself for the next level because you don’t know when Opportunity is going to knock. When it knocks, you want to be ready. Stay on your goal. Stay on track. Make sure your organized and that you’ve made a plan. Put all your ducks in a row and be ready for anything. Just stay on your plan and stay focused.

I go to church. I frequent the Upper Room Gospel Church with Tiffany and Lucinda. My schedule is really crazy. So when I am able to, I go with them.  We plant our feet with the LORD. We pray before we do anything that we are going to do. We are doing things for the right reasons and we are putting GOD first in all we do.

What Pageants were you involved in?

There are three major – Mrs. Pageants in the world. The three Pageants are… Mrs. United States; Mrs. America and Mrs. International. I am one of only two women who have won all three titles in the history of New Jersey.   (Mrs. New Jersey – 2009; Mrs. New Jersey – 2011 and Mrs. New Jersey – 2013). It was such an honor to represent New Jersey. I’m a mother of four children and I’ve been with my husband a very, very long time – sometimes our identity get lost in the relationship when raising kids and working through my pageantry, I was able to do something for me but, I also included my family in it. I’m a living testimony… You should never give up on your goals and dreams because it could always happen. I was in the Pageant since I was a little girl and now at this age, I’m 43 years old, and I realized that my goals and dreams as a “Beauty Queen” is just phenomenal.

I have four children. My oldest is Justin – he is eighteen years old. Then my second one, his name is Elijah and he is sixteen years old. My third one is Anthony and he is twelve years old and then its my little princess Milan. Milan has just turned eight. I have been married to the same man, who is the father of all of my children for twenty-one years. I love him so much. We live in Marlboro New Jersey which is Central New jersey.

 Are you working right now? What are you doing, when your not doing any pageants?

At this moment, I am a make-up artists, so I have the luxery to stay at home until needed. I make sure my home is taken care of first and then I go out and do my job.  I pursue my career as a make-up artist.  I take my kids with me sometimes.  I also mentor and coach young girls who are in pageants  –  who want to find their way through pageants.  I worked for almost every major company as a make-up artist.  I’ve worked for Lancomb, Channel just to name a few.  Then I began working under this celebrity make-up artists – Denise Markey. Denise started a make-up line called Club Monico. I don’t think they have that company anymore.  We helped Denise with her make-up line. Do you remember the scandal with Monica Lewinsky and the former President Bill Clinton? I told her I do.  Well, when Monica Lewinsky had that big interview on television with the scandal, we had a lip gloss called “Club Monico Sugar”.  That’s  the lip gloss Monica Lewinsky used.  Our lip gloss was a huge success.  Club Monico Sugar  lip gloss sold out in minutes.  It was exciting because we were all present, putting together that line that sold out because of Monica Lewinsky. Working with Denise opened many doors for me,  I’ve worked  with a lot of influential people.  I’ve worked for a woman  (as a make-up artists) who was nominated for a Tony Award for the Lion king.  I’ve done make-up for a lot of famous designers. I’ve basically been doing make-up for over twenty years. And each day is different from the last.  After that, I started doing music videos  and magazine ads  for a magazine called Asbury Park Magazine. I’ve also  worked for a lot of fashion shows and TV ads. I’ve done make-up all over the place.  I was in Toni Braxtons video – Seven Whole Days. I had a cameo in it.  I’ve done numerous videos  after  being in Toni Braxtons video.  People began asking for me  by name to appear in their videos.  It was very exciting.   Tiffany and I appeared on MTV ‘s Madeade.  We appeared on that show as coaches for young girls. It helped put that perspective into Tiffany’s mind showing her what she was capable of doing.  That’s why she started the Esther Project.  We were on  the Dr. Oz show recently  He spoke about “How to decrease stress.”

Again, I am the spokesperson for “The Esther Project” – I’m one of them and I am able to talk about a charity I am very passionate about.  .  I’m very involved with “The American Cancer Society” and an organization called…  “Kick Cancer over board”.. I had a sister who past away from cervical cancer.  Because of that, I’m very connected to cancer causes.  I help people that are battling cancer.  The organization that I  am currently heavily involved  with is called… “Kick cancer Overboard” which is based out of New jersey.  We raise money to send cancer victims and their family on a free cruise.  So, instead of the cancer victim thinking about chemotherapy, they think about the cruise.  They would have a positive frame of mind, even if it was only for a moment.

Where were you born and raised/ where did you go to school?

 I was raised in the Bronx, NY and I attended a wonderful High school..  The High school of Graphics and Arts.  I was the editor at the school for a newspaper.  .  It was an award winning newspaper.  After high school, I went on to Lehman College  which is also located in in the Bronx, NY.

My aspirations in life is to make sure The Esther Project goes global.  I want people all over the world to know about our project.  With The Esther Project, we  also help women to find the perfect mate.  Now,  I know no-one is perfect but, we try to find someone that is perfect for you. Someone that is compatible  with you. I want to start my own make-up line.  It’s in the works now.  I did not come up with a name yet but, its definitely going to come out  sometime in the spring of 2015.  Finally,  I want to raise healthy  and  happy kids so that they can grow-up to become productive adults.

Tell me… What would you say to a younger you who is trying to be in pageants and have  similar interests of yours? 

I would say… Don’t allow anyone to define who you are. Don’t conform yourself to be what other people want you to be.  Be true to yourself.  Know that you are a queen.  When you know what your goals are, your goals will be achieved.  Just put your best foot forward.  Believe in GOD.  Put GOD first.

Who inspires you the most?

My mother – Ilona Grandison is my biggest inspiration.  She not only talk the talk, she walk the walk.  She believes in GOD.  She knows my sister  – Damali is in a better place.  She would not allow herself to break down every day.  I am in Awe of her. For this and because of who she is….  She Is My Biggest Inspiration. I Love Her. 


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