Darnell Dudley



Darnell Dudley

He ‘s only 15 years old and  he resides in the Bronx.  He knows what he want to do.  He want to become an actor and he is making moves.  He is truly taking his acting career by a storm.  He was an extra in a short  film called  “One Last Chance” where he played in a gang scene.  He’s been doing showcases and breaking into Hollywood Studios where he performed in front of eight (8) casting directors and agents all across New York City.

He  did a monologue  for “Yolanda Hunt – who is a BET casting director.  He  has an acting agent  “MSF Talent Agency – Ms. Marion Falk”   in  New York City.  At this time, he   interviewed for “The Birdhouse Players”.    They liked him so much, they  allowed him to audition  for a role in a play  with them.     Darnell was casted for the Off Broadway Play called; “Our Town“.   Darnell  said… he loves it. He’s been performing every night, doing a great job.   He only have three (3) performances left and then its – on to the next job.

Darnell Dudley was born and raised in the Bronx, NYC.   He  is currently a student at “Cardinal Spellman Catholic high school”, where he is  in  a  drama class.    At   Cardinal Spellman Darnell  acted  in a play called  “The Wiz”,  where he played The Crow.   This fall, he will be participating in another play in the drama class.  “Beauty and the Beast”.   His character has not been casted as of yet. Darnell said…   whatever it is, I will be good at it. Darnell said…  Cardinal Spellman High School has a very good Drama department  and I plan on utilizing it to  furthering my career as an actor.  

What are your goals in life  Darnell?  Darnell stated…  my goals  are..   to get  on television.   I  am  going  to  be on the  Disney   or  the  Nickelodeon  channel.    Whichever  one comes first.  I am  currently   taking  classes   for  acting  roles   in  movies  and   television.   I  went  out  on my own  (along with my dad)  to audition  for   films  and  I  was casted  as  an  extras  for  a  short  film and  also  roles  in  many  plays  without  professional training.    Image   what I can do with the right training.    I  don’t  sing  but  I  can act  and  do  basic  dancing  roles  if  given  the opportunity through choreography,  but  my  main  focus  is  acting.  

“Five years from now, I see myself in Los Angeles  as a very successful  person.  I will   continue  to climb  to  the  top.” There’s No limits…

Whats your goals in life?

My goal is to attain an agent or a manager. Currently my dad is my manager and agent. My dad has been doing an awesome job at it but, he can’t take me to where I want to be because, I just started in this “role of my lifetime in acting”, just like him.  That is why my dad attained an agent for me. “MSF Talent Agency – Ms. Marion Falk”   in  New York City.  I see myself on television. My dad will still be my manager. I see myself on television. I see myself The “Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. His goals; is to attain those desires of his and I believe he is going to achieve them and more.   He said he can’t sing, but he can act. One way or another, (with the help of his father – Dale Dudley, who is his manager), he will make it through. He will make his dreams come true.

“Five years from now, I see myself in Los Angeles  as a very successful  person.  I will   continue  to climb  to  the  top.” There’s No limits…

Who inspires you the most?

My dad, Dale Dudley. He inspires me the most. He is a good motivator. He get up   early in the mornings to take me on auditions. He know that I am serious about this.   He stays with me and wait for me until I’m finished. He never leave my side. I could remember, I went on an audition for eight hours and he stayed with me through all the duration.   We were so hubgry. We ate afterwards.   I did a shoot for Gully Hawkins. I was an extra and a stunt coordinator. I worked with Sophia Nestles from the Bookies, throughout all this, (which was during one day) he was on set with me for 11 hours. HE MAKES SURE I AM ON TOP OF MY SCHOOL WORK.    Although, I’ve been going on these auditions and acting, I’m not slacking in any way because as I said before, he definitely make sure I’m on top of my school work. He helps me practice for a monologues. He drives me to my auditions. He pays for my headshots. He help me with my resume. He buys my clothes. He supports me inyway he can.. My dad is amazing. He is always helping me in whatever I do.   I LOVE MY DAD.   I don’t know where I would be if he wasn’t in my life.   I’m really grateful for him. My mom is not in my life right now, but my dad is.   He will be there.   Since the time I could remember, he was and have always been the only in my life.   My sister Sequoia Dudley supports me in everything I do.   My brother – Dale Dudley Jr (we call him Junior) also supports me. My brother is an actor. He had many roles (main character roles) in many plays and movies before.   He decided, he wanted to stop acting for a while.   When I started acting and going on auditions for different things and getting the roles, I guess you can say, I motivated him to get back into acting.   Right now, he is getting his headshots together . He is preparing himself to get back out there – into the acting world.   My family is awesome. I love my brother, my sister and I especially love my dad.   He is my dad first; my friend second; someone I can talk to third; and by far…. (Besides my maker above – GOD)……      HE IS MY BIGGEST INSPIRATION IN LIFE…. Thank you GOD for allowing me to be his son. 

Darnell keep saying…..   “Five years from now, I see myself in Los Angeles as a very successful person. I will   continue to climb to the top.” There’s No limits…

I believe him. If he keep saying those words to the GOD’s above, his dreams will come true.   One day, you will see him on top of the world……..


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