Denise Grant-Jeudy and Daniel Grant

This morning, I’m talking to Denise Grant-Jeudy and Daniel Grant.  A mother and son team who are currently in business together,  working together in a positive way.  The company’s name…….  H.D. Worldwide Marketing.

How’s   business?  What have you been up to?

D.G., replied Great!!   We are trying to expand our business to a different height.  We have been marketing our business in New York only.  We are trying to take  H.D. Worldwide  market  business to Trinidad.  We want to show the people, in Trinidad, how to save money.  We  are at the time in our company, where we would be able travel all over the world.  And one of the places we want to start, is in Trinidad.  That’s where my mom was born.     D.G.J.  then stated…  We want to show them  how they can purchase anything  fromH.D.W.M. and basically get money back.

_AAW0587D.G.J.,  further stated,…    Yes.  Business has been great so far.  We have a large clientale following us.  But, I feel,  the people in Trinidad also need to find a another way of making money.  Trinidad is not a rich country.  There’s a lot of poverty there.  I know.  I grew up there.  That’s why I came to the United States.  I came to the U.S. to make a better person out of me and for my family.   . I worked for the NYPD as a police officer for twenty years. I have  retired from the NYPD after working for them for all those years.   i’ve been  following their rules and regulations for twenty years.   I am now working part-time with my son. It has been great. We plan to expand our business  not only to Trinidad as we stated earlier,  but to other countries too.   We have good fortune and we want to share the wealth

D.G  then stated;…    We started this business a year ago.   Today,  it  is a huge success. I was a NYS Corrections Officer and my mom had retired last year from working as a Police Officer for N.Y.P.D. for 20 years.  We both are making more money than the jobs we were employed by.    I’m glad we  joined this company.  It was the best move we’ve ever made.

So Denise Grant-Jeudy…  You said, you were born and raised in Trinidad?

D.G.J., replied yes…   I was born and raised in Trinidad.  Even though, I didn’t experience the poverty of some people in Trinidad,  I knew I wanted more.  I decided to come to the U.S. at the age of seventeen.   When  I  landed my feet on the grounds of New York,  I immediately got a job.  I thought to myself,  wow!  Now, I can make money and try to  make a life for  myself.   I found out that there were other jobs out there that paid more.  So I went from job to job, trying to make that extra penny.  Eventually,  I got tired of going from job to job. That’s why I became a police officer.  I wanted stability.  I finally took the test to become a police officer  and I got the job.    D.G.   then stated..   My mom raised me in Brooklyn, N.Y.C.  Since my mom became a Police Officer for the NYPD, She was able to purchase a house in Long Island City.  This is where we still reside.  I wanted to become a corrections officer.   But since I became aH.D. Worldwide Marketing guru, it only seems to be the right thing to do.    Five years from now, I want  to become  a billionaire. What I am doing right now, is allowing me to make my dreams come true.  I am still young.   I will still   be   young, making billions.  I will be a young  billionaire,  traveling the world, seeing new things, eating different foods, and meeting new people

D.G.J. then stated…  Five years from now, I will be  living life to the fullest.  She chuckled..

What are your expectations in life?

D.G.J.  said… My expectations in life, is…  To  help people   make  the right decision in joining us at HDWM.  We truly want  to  help people, by showing them, how to make and save money.  I want them to feel,  the  way we do.  I want them to be reassured that,  If they join us, it will not be a mistake.  I want them to know, they wont be loosing money.   They will be gaining money.  If they want to, they can still work for the company they are currently working for.  After  six months of working with us, they will see a difference.  They will quit their current jobs and work for  H.D. Worldwide Marketing  full time.  It makes me feel great,  thinking I can help save the world.  One step at a time , is all it takes. It is a great experience.

Who inspires you the most?

D.G.J.   My eldest son.  Daniel…  He inspired me the most.

Daniel – D.G.  said…   My mom.  He further stated while standing in front of her…  you  always inspire me to become better.

D.G.J.   then stated… I am so happy to hear, that I have made a difference in someone’s life.  Having my first child, which is  (D.G. – we also call him Frankie )  inspired me to become a better person.    I know where I came from and I wanted a better life for my child.  Once I began having my other children, it made me want to work even harder.   I wanted to become  someone great.   Someone for my children to look up to.   My children,   made me succeed in life.  I had to  show them,  life could be great, if you just put your mind to achieving greatness.  That is why I joined the NYPD.  I joined it for stability, and  also, it’s a career which allowed me to work for twenty years and get a full pension.  Twenty years later,  (Denise reminensed for a second and then said….)  boy, time flew by so quickly, she then chuckled and said…   I’m living my life to the fullest.  I believe in my children.  I believe in myself and I believe in big dreams.  You said Anngeannette….  If you dream it, You could achieve it.  It’s true.  Your dreams could be yours.

D.G.   ended saying…  My mom inspires me a lot.  Growing up, I’ve seen my mom working two to three jobs, just to make sure we had  everything we wanted.  My  mom  always had a strong work ethic .  That is why I’m the way I am today.  My mom, (Denise) inspired me to follow my dreams.   She would say…  You and only you can make a difference in your life.    I’ve  learned,   you have to work hard to play hard.  I’ve been working hard and playing harder  and I  believe, I have made a difference.  Come join us.  It would be a decision you will never regret.

D.G.J  Finally said with a smile….   I couldn;t have said it better.

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