DJ Prince “Prince Of Kings County”

DJ Prince “Prince of Kings County” 

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SKII: This morning, I am interviewing DJ Prince. Tell me something about yourself?

DJ Prince: I was born and raised in Brooklyn. I’m part Jamaican and I am into a lot of Jamaican music. For the most part, I’m just a DJ in this music industry. I love what I am doing. I love entertaining people and they love my music.  That’s my passion. I decided to buckle down and just do what I love to do. 

SKII: I heard you say, you are part Jamaican. Is that where you were born, but raised in Brooklyn?

DJ Prince: I was actually born and raised in Brooklyn. My parents are Jamaican. I’m also mixed with Asian. My mother is half Chinese and half Jamaican, and my dad is Jamaican. 

SKII: What high school have you attended and graduated from?

DJ Prince: I went to Mid-Wood  High School where I graduated. After graduation, I began working full-time. I haven’t gone to college, as yet, but it is part of my plan to do.  So, once I attained my full-time job, I began to DJ at different events. I did that to make extra money, on the side. That is what got me to fall in love with the deejaying world. The more I deejayed, the more I enjoyed it. I used to call-out of my day job just to do a gig deejaying. After a while of doing that, I said to myself that, “I might as well do this full time. I was making good money. I was enjoying myself, and I was happy. So, why not?” 


SKII: You stated earlier, that you’d ventured into the deejay world eighteen years ago. How did you get involved with dj’ing?

DJ Prince: My older brother did. My father was a music producer. He had a lot of music equipment in the house. My older brother used to use my father’s music equipment because my father wasn’t using it any more.  I used to watch my brother dj on my fathers equipment, in the basement,  day in and day out.  Eventually, my brother realized my interest in it too, that’s when my brother began to teach me how to use the equipment from time to time.  I was eventually put to the test to dj my first party at the age of 12.  Gradually my brother’s interest diminished due to attending college full time.  From then, DJ Prince the brand was created!

SKII: What type of venues have you deejayed at?

DJ Prince: I do clubs, concerts, pretty much anything that comes my way. But, for the most part it’s clubs and concerts. I’ve been asked to travel to different cities to deejay events.  I’ve traveled to Chicago to do an event. Philadelphia, Miami, Jamaica, Arizona, Texas, Virginia and many more places. 


People from all over these cities are requesting me to deejay for their events. The venues in New York, in which I have performed were at: DROM, Elemen BB Kingst, Stage 48, The Attic Roof Top and 49 Grove. I mean, I can go on, and on. I’ve done many events in New York City. It’s crazy! But, I love it! I love what I do. I haven’t been overseas, yet, but I’m sure it’s coming. 

SKII: To my understanding, you deejay at a studio every Monday. Tell me something about that?

DJ Prince: Every Monday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 PM, I deejay at DTF It’s a dope show! You, should definitely check it out. Mike Paul-Pierre is the C-Host of that radio station.  It’s really good. So far, we have over three thousands views off the website! So, people are liking the show. We always get back positive feedback. The fan base is definitely growing. I can still remember, the first week we aired the show, it was about five hundred views. So, yeah. It’s definitely growing. I love working there. Actually, Mike and I went to high school together! We were childhood friends. I didn’t  know that  he was in the business. I actually got reconnected with him through an artist that I had dj’ed for. He’s actually YOUNG AZ’s  Manager. I used to do some studio work and we just happened to reconnect there. Once I realized what he’s capable of doing, we sort of merged from there. It’s been good, so far.  Mike is a good dude. 

SKII: Do you have any siblings involved with the deejay world?  I know you said your brother dabbled in it for a little while. 


DJ Prince: I have two brothers and two sisters. As far as the music side, it’s only been my dad, my brother and myself. Me, my brother, and a neighbor of ours, his name was Andrew first started as a group called, Artistic Sounds. My father had a record label called Artistic Sounds. Every morning we used to wake up to our father’s music. Eventually, he put the toy down and now, it’s my new toy. We just took that name from the record label and called our group it. It was a deejay group. It started off great and then it was no more, because everyone had an interest in something else. The group disbanded and we went on to pursue our own interests. This is mine, and I love it.  Since then, my brother never really took an interest in deejaying, anymore.  

SKII: Is this your full-time job? What jobs have you held before getting involved with the deejay world?

DJ Prince: Yes. This is my full-time job, now. This is what I do twenty-four/seven! I always give it one hundred percent. I think that’s why people request me. I put my passion into it!  But, before doing this, I was doing title research for homes in Long Island, for about eight years. That job taught me a lot.  Gave me a lot of knowledge about Title Researching. But, when I used to do my deejay gigs on the side, I began to like doing that more; and, less of my full-time job. I used to wake-up miserable not wanting to go to work my full-time job.  Eventually, I left that full-time position to pursue my deejay career, and I’ve been happy ever since!

SKII: What would you say to a younger you?


DJ Prince: I would tell the younger me to go with what you believe in. I don’t really have any regrets in my life. The only regret that I could’ve had is that I didn’t do it sooner! So, I would tell that younger me to start pursuing your career in deejaying a lot earlier. I’d always wanted to do this. It always


lingered in the back of my mind, but it was a big fear of mine that I was going to fail. Now, when I look back, I realize that anything that’s worth something, you’ll have to work hard at it. For some people, things seem so easy. But, for some, like me, we have to work harder at it in order to see that light at the end of the tunnel. So, yeah, I would tell that younger me to start earlier in life with my dream. Don’t fight the temptation.  Don’t listen to other people as they try to put you down. It’s your passion. Just go for it! It. Will. Happen! 

SKII: What motivates you to do this?

DJ Prince: Myself. I motivate myself to get up and do this thing that I love. You have to get support from people, too. So, I surround myself with peers. You have to stay around positive people in order to remain positive. Don’t be around those who say, “NO”. Yes, is the word you want to be around. So, be around those people who say, “YES”, and watch it happen. 

SKII: What do you aspire towards?

DJ Prince: There were DJ’s who had lesser opportunities than I. Their hard work and dedication pushed them to that next level and now they’re on to bigger and better things. So, to see those people who have successfully navigated this industry, and they started out from scratch – gives me great aspirations in seeing myself accomplish that, also. Those who have done it before me have inspired me. They’ve also kept me inspired, because anyone can deejay, but can you DJ? Meaning, some people call themselves DJ’s and they never get anywhere except for a pool party, here, and event there. But, these deejay’s started from scratch and just pushed themselves into nothing but success. So, my aspiration is to become very successful and make a lot of money doing it. People are calling and pulling me to go everywhere, right now! It’s been a great ride, but there’s still more to accomplish, and I am headed in the right direction to accomplishing it. 

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SKII: What’s next for you?

DJ Prince: We’ve got a whole lot of things coming. We have a tour going on with Young AZ. It’s a southern tour. We are actually putting that together right now. I’m actually working on my own deejay tour. It’s going to be in Miami, other parts of Florida, and Atlanta. I have a website out, right now. I am, There’s so much more we have in store but, I’m the type of person who likes to see it being played-out before I speak on it. I don’t want to say, “Yes. We are going to do this”, and find out later down the line that it’s not going to happen. 

SKII: If anyone wants to get in contact with you for your deejaying services, how can they reach you?

DJ Prince: They can contact me on my website at There, they would be able to ask for me and explain what they want, etcetera. I’m on Instagram, Face Book, and Twitter. Just type in, My name pops right-up.

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