Eloria – Make-up Artist

Today I spoke  to Eloria.  She  has been a very busy person lately!     Eloria told me, she has many jobs.   She said…  I am a Make-Up Artist / Cosmetologist / Lab technician   and  I am  currently  going to school to become  a  Broker and Real Estate Agent.    Out of all the jobs I possess,   I must say,  being a Make-up Artist – Cosmetologist  is my passion.   Eloria   said,   I have  been in  this  business,  ( as a Make-up Artist / Cosmetologist),   for the past eight years,  She  said,  I  love my life.  Eloria  was  born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y. …  She still resides  there.

Eloria  then   stated…   I am coming out with my own cosmetic line.  Her new cosmetic line is incorporated with one of the Basketball Wives on television.

Jackie Christie – The Jackie Christie Line.  She said, I’ve been working with Jackie Christie   since  2013.  Everything is moving so fast.  I can’t  believe  my life.   I’m  definitely blessed  by GOD…

_AAW0613Working   as a  Make-up Artist – Cosmetologist  and  working towards one of my goals  in attaining  my Real Estate / Brokers  license,  has been a real  challenge for  me.  Although,   it’s two completely different worlds,   I  get to use both sides of my brain.   The creative side of me, (Make-up artist)  as well as the mechanical side,  (my Real Estate / Brokers  license).

Five years from now,   I see myself as a trailblazer for make-up artists. I would   teach   them –  how to apply make-up,  the correct way and look fabulous doing it.  I would be –  The Maya Angelou of make-up.  I’ve   done make-up for  many celebrities.  I’ve  also  done make-up  for   attorneys, nurses, magazine editors and a whole array of other individuals.  Beauty and fashion is what I always wanted to do, she proclaimed.  And now, I’m living my dreams

Eloria concluded her statement by saying….  My  mother inspired me to be all that I can be.  My  mother is my biggest cheerleader.  My  younger sisters  also  cheer for me.   .  But my mom…  (tears began  to  swell in Elorias eyes).    My mother  has  always  pushed me  to  live  my dreams.  There  was a time,  when  I  did not believe in myself.  I knew how good I was.  I knew  I had great things  inside of me waiting to get out.   I was afraid to pursue  my  dreams.    But,  during those times,  when   I  did not believe in myself,   My mom   did.    She  pushed me to be all that I can be.  My  younger  sisters played a part in it also.    Mom….I  just want to say…  Thank you.   My  younger  sisters….  I  just want to say…  Thank you.    My family…   you  inspire me.

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