Hank Pegeron

hank oneAn aspiring photographer and videographer.  Hank  also  works as a sound engineer for Mount Sinai United Christian Church.  Hank was just chosen as the winner of the top phographer for  Staten Island.  Hank is currently in a contest for “The Top Photographer” in Atlantic City Fashion Week.  He seems to be doing well in the contest.  Let’s see what the outcome would be.

Born and raised in Staten Island, NY, young Hank,  use to take photos of his pets, grandparents, parents, pretty much, he took a photo of any and everything his little hands can get a hold of.    As in most things, it started out as fun and it soon ventured into doing it as a  hobby, and  then it progressed into Hank doing it professionally.  Hank, now older and wiser,  take photos and videos of family and friends  professionally.  He progress into taking photos and video taping weddings and other events for different clients.  Hank have been in this business for over 25 years now.  He said he enjoys taking pictures of celebrities as well as aspiring models.    Although Hank is a photographer and videographer, his passion has always been photography.   Hank is a fashion photographer who’s  photo’s have been seen  on many covers of fashion magazines – such as…  KEEL, DAISY and SKII  Magazine – “There’s no limits to reaching the top”.


Perry Williams

 10 years ago

Michelle Anglin

 10 years ago