Harlem Women Of “117”


RecapThis was a reunion of “Harlem Women Of “117”.  We grew up together;  Played together;  Cried together too.   Ate together; Had sleep overs together;  Laughed until we were blue.  Each one, have chosen a different path,  which led us to be apart.  Best friends is what we were, We always kept a warm spot in our Hearts.  For more than 20 years, we’ve been apart until one brave soul brought us together again.  This has been our reunion tonight and it was a blast.   Although we’ve acquired different careers and walked different paths, but we managed to come back together to celebrate each other lives.   Meet Carol, Robin, Janice, Crystal and myself.  For we are The Harlem Women of “117”

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**Read exciting stories of… UP-COMING INTERVIEWS***

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From the Boys & Girls Club to the NBA – The Lowes Moore Chronicles Life on the Narrow.

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