Jimmy “Jimmy V. Productions” Verrone

Jimmy Verrone

He’s a DJ first, Producer second.  He became a DJ in 1987 and a production company owner in the late 1990’s, producing songs for artists in the United States, Canada and Sweden.  My company name is Jimmy V. Productions. I’ve produced songs for Denise Martinez in the US and  remixed songs for “Boogie Wonder Band” who tours internationally. James (better known as Jimmy) says, They are a disco cover band based out of Montreal.  There was an act from Sweden called “Kelly and the PDM”.  I did a remix for their dance track.  I’m just trying to get more production work done.  I’ve started writing songs for various artists.   I recently wrote a song for a new artists I’m producing.  Her name is Caitlin Hill.  I met her along with her father at a party I was working.

I was born in Atlantic City Hospital. I was raised in Males Landing. My extended family consists of a brother who resides in Colorado and another brother in California. My half brother is currently living in my dad’s house. My father is going to be 73 years old in October. I am 52 years old. We all are getting older. We seem to be going in different directions and we haven’t gotten together in a long time. As I stated, my dad is turning 73 and I think this is the time for us to get together because time is flying and we should be enjoying the time we have together.

I remember when I was 16 years old, I delivered a baby. This would be the first of three deliveries in my life. When I was 16, a lady was in labor. She was about to deliver her baby. At the age of 16, I had some experience in CPR but never had I ever thought, I would be delivering a baby. While helping the lady in delivering her baby, I noticed the baby was breached. Of course, I didn’t know what a breached baby was so, I told the lady that I can see the babies feet. The lady had four other kids prior to this kid and all of her kids was breached babies. So, she knew what to do. She talked me through delivering the baby. Thank GOD the baby was ok. That was the first day that I realized, I wanted to work in a field of helping people. I currently have a background in the true version of CPR.  I worked as a 911 Fire Dispatcher. I’ve worked in a Mobile Intensive Care Unit. I have certificates in both fields as well as others. Today, I am currently working for a private security alarm company as a dispatcher. I just love helping people.

My father introduced me into the music business. When my father was young, my father told me that his mother (grandma) forced him  to learn the piano, the accordion and keyboards. He said, while his friends were outside playing, he was inside with his mother learning those instruments. He said, if he messed up, his mother would hit him over his knuckles until he played the instruments correct. My father also said, when he was old enough, he joined a band with his father which was called… “The Vernon Louis  Trio” which was based out of Johnstown Pennsylvania.   The band consisted of my father, my grandfather and another person who was part of the trio. My dad played the keyboards and my grandfather played the drums. According to my mother, the band was famous. She said they made a lot of money playing for people. She also said, my father and grandfather also played their music on the sidewalk.   After playing in the band, my dad became a Jockey. A jockey that rode horses and  raced  them.  My dad  travelled  all over the country and won many of the races. He was a jockey for 18 years. My mother was  somewhat in the music field. My mom used to dance on American Bandstand back in the 1960’s. She appeared on that show all the time, I heard. She danced so well  on the “American bandstand,”  that people gave her a nickname, “Crazy Legs Arminger”. My mom name was Louise Arminger. My mother since then passed away. My dad never remarried. 

My dad approached me one  day and said he wrote a song and that he wanted me to add the music to it. The song was called “Destination Tennessee. As I stated earlier, my dad learned to play the piano and other instruments by force so he was a very good piano player. My dad played his song, which he had written on the piano and he sung along. I must say, it was a very nice song. My dad said, I need you to add the other instruments to it to make it sound like a full song. I knew a producer in AC and he knew someone. We used a local singer from AC to sing the song. We all got together and the song turned out to become a great. My dad loved the finished product. I am currently shopping it around for someone to use it. I’m looking for a famous person who would take the song to another level. I haven’t found anyone yet but, I’m sure I will eventually.

I met you at the DJ Convention. What motivated you to go there and how often did you go?

I’ve been going to the DJ Convention for approximately 6 years now. The purpose varies. I went to the convention to learn more about the music industry as far as production and becoming a producer. That is why I started to go. The other reasons were for networking and submitted my work as a producer to people who are already established in the music field. I also went there this year to learn about the new equipment that’s coming out.

I started to DJ at the age of 25. I played at many clubs while growing up. I remember doing a gig in this club for the first time The party consisted of 75 teenagers. People started talking about me and spreading the news of how great I was as a DJ. By the following week, I played for a crowd of teenagers which consisted of 700 kids. After that week, I continued to play for a crowd of 700 or more.  After that, I played in the Trump Marine and The Wave which was inside of the Trump Plaza. It’s now called The Golden Nuggets. I’ve played in “The Sugarhill Landing”. I did a wedding there. .It went well.

I spoke with Angela Burton who is in my opinion a disco diva. She was a singer that started in the 60’s in Harlem. She was performing in AC and she literally blown me away. She was phenomenal. I remembered I heard this beautiful voice which was singing with a band and I stopped in my tracks. The voice was amazing. I followed the voice and found out that it was her. I later found out that she had throat cancer and she beat it. I approached her. I wanted to sign a deal with her right then and there. I wanted her to sing this one song I am currently writing. It’s still in the works.

I am not married and I don’t have any children. I just haven’t met the right person yet. My family and friends think I am picky but, I tell them I am looking for the right person. I’m hoping to meet someone that I can settle down with. I am getting older. I just want the person I end up with to be the right one.

I am moving to Tampa Florida. I’m tired of the cold, snow, snow, snow. I’m tired of the winters here. Tampa Florida has an EDM. I am going to start my business out there. My DJ business and my production company. I will be renting an apartment for a while in Florida until I purchase another house. I am selling my house up here. I have a potential buyer. Once that’s done, I’m gone. I know I’m going to be successful in Tampa Florida. While I’m setting up in Tampa, I hope to open a school out there also. I want to teach people how to DJ and produce music. I have many certificates in 911, CPR, etc. Whenever I move to Tampa, I will make sure to give my current jobs up here a 2 months notice.

I’m not rushing things. Life is something you don’t want to rush. You want to enjoy each and every minute of life and you should try to live it to the fullest. I’m letting people know… Everything will happen when it’s supposed to. Fame, fortune, and romance will come if you put your mind to it.

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