“Juancky” Juan Ruiz

Juan R #1

Juancky is a Radio and Television sensation. He’s a singer and a songwriter.  He has appeared on numerous television shows as well as radio stations. He was nominated and won awards for his songs. Recently, he was offered an acting role in a movie which will be coming out soon. And now, he wants to venture out into a field which he is familiar with but, never actually pursued. He to produce songs for other artists. He is a man of many talents and he doesn’t mind sharing his talents with other artists new and old. He’s Juancky. A man on the rise. Juancky is definitely on the rise in the music and film industry.

Juancky was born and raised in Ponce, Puerto Rico. He was 12 years old when his parents decided to move from Puerto Rico to New York City, to make a better life for him and his 7 brothers and sisters. His mother worked jobs to make ends meet.  Juancky: Although we are all grown now and she doesn’t have to work anymore, she still choose to do so. She loves to keep busy.  My mother is talented too. She has a great voice.  She is the only one as talented as me. I guess that’s where I got my singing voice from. Her voice is ten times better than mine though. When she is cooking, she start singing. Her voice is so beautiful.   My grandfather is a singer too. My mom said, he was in a group when she was young. My mom said his group used to sing on the corners and make lots of money like that. My grandfather passed away about 5 years ago. It was very sad. I really miss him. He was very talented, not only with singing but also with his hands. He also built mini boats made out of wood. He was very artistic with his hands. My grandfather would see a big beautiful boat in the water and he would just stare at it for a long time.  He would then go home and start making that same boat out of wood. A miniature boat (Juancky laughed) made out of wood. It was beautiful to see him do that. The boats was beautiful after he was done building it. I truly miss him..

Juancky: I met a remarkable man, Mr. Rafael Paranco. He works for Telemundo Television at Passaic NJ. Mr. Paranco introduced me to a lot of different people at the studio where I sung one of my songs… “Caliente.  I saw Rafael Paranco again for the second. time at an auditorium in a high school in New Jersey. I forgot the name of the high school but, I remember that day. The school auditorium was packed and I was singing my song on live television. Mr. Paranco was actually recording live for Telemundo television. When I saw him I said, Oh My GOD, I see you again. How are you? Mr. Paranco just started laughing and we just started talking. It was great. I always sung Meringue (fast songs) for all of my shows. But now, I’m going to be venturing into singing a romantic (slow) song. I never sung a slow song before. Chance who is my manager, is also the producer for my video and for the slow song I will be singing in the video. I call this song… Maluco. I think your going to like it very much.


Juan R #4

There was a Reggaeton artists name Don Omar and Tego Calderon. They opened the door for all the Reggaeton and Latin artists. I love singing and acting but, these artists opened the doors for those artists to go to Hollywood. They showed them that they can do.   I had that vision before they started doing it. When they started that, I was like WOW! I can’t believe it. If they can do that, I can do it.  I’ve done two interviews with Chance T.V. they did interviews with Ashante, Kim Kardishian, etc. and I couldn’t believe that I was interviewed by them too. Univision Al Desperta and Telemicro – which is one of the top television shows. He wrote a song for Matetraxx which was produced by Raphael Ortiz of In-focus Film Works – where he will be starring in a film with him soon.

To calm myself down, I go to the gym a lot and work out. My true sport is volleyball. I love volleyball. I was a captain on the high school team. Whenever I get a chance to play sports, I will always play volleyball

Whats next for me… I love music. I can write music for another artist but I want to further myself to producing.

He is a man of many talents and he doesn’t mind sharing his talents with other artists new and old. He’s Juancky. A man on the rise. Juancky is definitely on the rise in the music and film industry.

I want to become a producer. I want to start doing movies. I love acting. I am going to be in a movie with an actor from Carlito’s Way. When they told me that I was going to be acting with a star from Carlito’s way, I became so excited. That’s one of my dreams. Rafael Ortiz is the producer for the movie that’s coming up Carlito’s Way”. Rafael Ortiz, a well known producer.  He introduced me to Chance TV. I can say – he’s my manager. He is very humble about everything. He helped me out a lot.

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