Marco Glorious “Audience Producer” of “Wendy Williams Show”

Marco Glo #6

He’s a hype man, master of ceremonies and a host for the Nets. He’s a singer, actor and a crowd motivator. He’s a dancer and people follow him like the Pied Piper. He can mesmerize you with his eyes and smile. He’s 6’2, 225 lbs, handsome and built like a body builder. He gets you all riled up before a show.  His name is Marco Glorious and He is the Audience Producer for “The Wendy Williams Show.” SKII: Marco, what can’t you do? Marco: Well, it’s the path life’s been taking me. I’m riding the wave right now.. I just keep grinding and keep searching for more. I keep myself moving. If it was up to me, and if acting was easy, that is what I would probably be doing. My life  right now is great!  I remember auditioning for various  jobs after college. I wanted to make money.   So I kinda got involved with the Master of Ceremonies  as a dancer.  A break-dancer actually.  Companies would hire me as a motivational dancer.for events. That’s what actually started me in this business. Then my dancing  transferred into being a host for different shows.   I saw what a host position entails and I liked it. People use to tell me all the time, “Marco, You would be a great host.” I needed to make money back then. So, I kept auditioning until I became a great  host. SKII: How old were you when you realized you were able to mesmerize a crowd? Marco: Oh… I was very young. I actually started very young. I went to church a lot as a young child with my mom. My mom is an Evangelist in her church.  When I was young, about 2 or 3 years old,  I would read Bible passages. I would memorize the passages and mesmerize the congregation by reciting passages from the Bible from memory.  I don’t recite them as much as I did as a child anymore.   It would get a little crazy because, I was so young as I said, like 2 or 3 years old. As a little kid memorizing those Bible passages,  and then reciting them to the congregation,  people just felt so moved by it.  They said it was done by GOD. They couldn’t believe a little kid had memorized those passages and recited them so well with enthusiasm. My mom is the one who taught me to be enthusiastic when I speak. I guess it carried with me throughout my years as an adult. Whenever I go back to visit the church with my mom (Gospel Temple Church of America.  A Pentecostal church located in the Bronx), people still remember me for that part of my life. Every now and then, those memories of memorizing those passages from the Bible comes back to me. It was one of many good memories of certain things I’ve done when I was young. M.G. FRONT SKII: Where were you born and raised? Marco: I was born in Manhattan. Uptown, in the Washington Heights area.   I lived there with my parents until the age of 10 when my parents decided to move upstate to Newburg, New York. My parents still reside there. While living in Harlem, I attended St. Mathews Lutheran Private School until the age of 10. That’s when my parents decided to move upstate.   I ended up going to Gidney Avenue Magnet School. I then attended North Junior high School. And my high school was Newburg City Academy.  In my senior year in high school, I was President of the student body. I was a very active person in high school. When I became old enough, I eventually moved out of my parents house in upstate Newburg N.Y. They are still living in that house. SKII: How did you start working for P-Diddy? Marco: A friend of mine from high school was a drummer in the band.    He kinda got connected with Bad Boy Entertainment as an intern.  While he was there, he would tell me about his experiences as an intern working for P-Daddy Bad Boy Entertainment company. We both was on the same track as getting into the entertainment business.  When he began making a name for himself as an intern, that’s when he brought me in. I started working under Francesca Spero, who ran the Publishing department for P-Diddy. She no longer work for him. Before she left, she hired me as an intern. (One of his producer’s was Stevie J from love and hip Hop.) Whatever Bad Boy P-Diddy, Mario Wynan, D-Bop needed, I did it.  I used to get their checks for them.  So yeah. That’s how I got into working for P-Diddy. Let me say this.  Working for Bad Boy was work.  At that time, I wasn’t familiar with that type of work.  After the VMA’s, they would have big parties which would go on for hours.  We actually worked at these types of events.  After leaving their parties,  they expect us to be at work the next day.  As an intern,  I had to be there earlier than anyone else.  People actually got to work and arrived on time. I realized they work hard during the day and even harder at night during the party aspect.   We may have partied, but at the same time we was truly working. Working for Bad Boy, it taught me how to grind.  With the way my life is right now,  I learned how to balance working and partying.  I seem to be doing the same thing for “Wendy.”  Yeah!  It’s funny where the path of my life has taken me.  I’ve just been on this party vibe.  I’m pretty much the host when “Wendy” comes out and does the actual show. The show starts with myself and D.J. BOOF before Wendy. We create a party atmosphere before people actually walk into the building. Boof and I prepare the people for the Wendy experience and they have such a great time doing it . We (DJ Boof and I) get them riled up for the Wendy’s experience.  The people are twerking, dancing, doing the split and splitting their pants (Marco and I laughed so hard). The people would laugh out loud and they would say, I can’t believe I was doing what I was doing. They can’t believe it because they were having such a good time.  D.J. Boof isn’t Wendy’s DJ only. He is also Nicki minaj’s and the rapper Fabolous DJ. So now, I’m known as this party insider type of individual.  I guess it was always in me since I was a kid. I was always known as the kid who would always draw a crowd.  People use to say; Watch marco dance. Look at him.  Watch Marco doing this. Watch marco do that. They always watched me to see what I was going to do next.  They would also say; Look at Marco. Marco sings. Marco dances. It has always been in me.  I was always the life of the party. SKII: When you were younger, you were on the Cosby Show. How did that happened? Marco: Yes. The way I got on the Cosby Show; I wrote a letter to Mr. Cosby when I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade telling him how much I loved him. I didn’t think he was going to read the letter but, he actually read the letter himself. Mr. Cosby invited me to be in the audience. He liked my personality and he allowed me to do a couple of the Cosby Shows. I was in an episode with Raven Simone when Mr. Cosby took a group of kids to the museum.  It was really nice.  Years later, I acted in a play. It was two summers ago, I’ve acted in a play called; “Love, lies and Lust:”  I played a record executive.  While acting in this play,  I met D.J. Boof.  D.J. Boof played a D.J. in the production. Tahiri from “Love and Hip Hop” was also in the play.  At this moment,  The production crew I believe are in the process of redoing the play. Revamping the show trying to bring it back. It’s either going to be Off Broadway or on tour. So, we might be doing that play again real soon. SKII: You’ve worked for the Nets. How did you get that gig? Marco: I’ve always been a basketball fan. I grew up as a fan for the teams of New York. I followed the Nets.   I used to go to the Net games.  I followed the Mets.  I used to sit in the nose bleed seats with my friend.  During half time, they had an Arena host who was supposed to keep the crowd riled up.  They are supposed to keep the crowd cheering and excited about the game.   You know,  they are supposed to pump up the crowd whether or not their home team is winning or loosing. Well, while watching the Nets arena host trying his best to do that, I turned to my friend and said… I would kill that job. It was Maybe a year later, I happened to check the Backstage Newspaper and saw that the Nets was looking for a new Arena host.  They had auditions for two days. I wasn’t able to go on the first day because I wasn’t available. I was hosting an event elsewhere. I was scheduled to audition the second day,. I ended up getting to the second day of auditions relatively late. While waiting in line to audition with other people, a woman came out from the auditioning room and just closed auditions. She said, “Sorry. We’re not seeing anyone else”. I was devastated.  I remember telling my man a year ago,  “I would kill that job.”   Everyone that was in front of me left.  I stayed behind.  The girl who was taking the names of the people to audition,  I told her – I really need to see you.  The girl said “Sorry. We are not seeing no one else.”  I told her, I was really good.  They got to see me.  She allowed them to audition me. I was the very last person they saw for the audition. I mean, I stayed behind after they said “Sorry. We’re not seeing anyone else”.   I auditioned for them and they liked me.  I was determined to get that audition. I was the very, very last one to audition.  They liked me and I became the new host for the Nets arena. During my time there, I was the  host and  the PA announcer. I’ve worked for the Nets as the PA announcer and the host of the arena for two years.   I  was the entertainment for the Nets game. I announce the dancers, the tumblers, the mascots and myself. I’m like the ring leader. NY Times was at the show one day and they saw what I was about. So  they wrote an article on me. They wrote; “The Ray Of Sunshine is Marco “G”. I love the entertainment field. I love making people happy and feel good about themselves. So, ”I tip my hat off to the Nets Organization. It was a great experience. You never going to know where you life would lead you. Stay persistent. I may be doing something here or there but, life is about change and that is what happened to me. My life kept changing for the better. I’m continually on my grind. The All Star week for the Nets is coming up soon. We will see . We will see what will happen. SKII: What’s your expectations in life Marco? Marco: I expect to be the very best person I can be. I expect the unexpected. I think as a human being, you should really try to focus on being the best that you can.  Once you do that, the positive energy you surround yourself with will transition to other people. SKII: Where do you see yourself a year from now? Marco: Wow! It’s a very, very pivotal time for me. There’s a draw for me to really work on the back end of event planning and to really get my hand involved with the whole company. I run the entertainment aspects of a company. I’m like the silent partner of the Event Planning company. I wanted to pursue my acting career.  At one point in my life, I was going to move to the West Coast (Los Angeles) to pursue my acting career.  But  I got the next big position that kept me in New York.  A year and a half later is when I got the position as a Producer for Wendy Williams. I’m working for “The Wendy Williams Show”.   My position entails; Booking the audience, doing the demographics, handling Productions hosting, performing and handling  the actual Productions of the show.  This is what kept me here. I feel very blessed. I may not be acting (like on the big screens) but, I am still in the entertainment field. SKII: Do you still go to church Marco? Marco: (With a high pitched voice said) I try to.   Not as often as I would like to.  I work a lot on the weekends. So my weekends are very busy. I would probably go during this week but,  Wendy will be starting productions again.   My work schedule would be hectic again. I literally work seven days a week. Marco glo #2 SKII: If you weren’t in the entertainment business, what would you be doing? Marco: I probably be a personal trainer. I was a personal trainer in the past. I enjoy living a fit lifestyle.    I guess you can say, I still am in a way.    Lately,  I’ve been eating all of the wrong foods.  I eat all of the terrible foods. I stay up late and I don’t sleep much. So right now, I know I am not living that fit life because of the job that I do.  Eventually, I will start getting back to being fit again. If I wasn’t in the entertainment business, I would probably be a body builder. My dad was a body builder. Yeah. He was a body builder in his country in India. My parents have been by my side throughout all of the decisions I have made in my life. My parents inspire me so much –  to always be the best I can be.   Growing up as a child, I always saw my parents working.   My parents left their country to come to America to get more out of life.  Today, my parents are still actively working.  They bestowed that in me. I guess that’s why I’m constantly working. Right now, I’m in this place to better myself. I want to be the best person I can possibly be.  Not only in entertainment but also in life. I think that often times people don’t realize how far a smile can go.  Just speaking to people. Saying hello to your neighbors, saying hi to a stranger brings warmth to anyone. It surely brings warmth to me . Especially seeing them smile back.   I try to go out of my way to speak to people. Especially if I know you or not. Speak to me when you see me. If people would keep that in mind, I think the things they want in life will come to pass. My interview with Marco was a Glorious experience.  He is definitely a well,  soft spoken individual. He’s also a well dressed, funny, great smile, great body well groomed, entertaining, crowd motivational type of guy.   He is definitely headed in the right direction for “THE GREATER THINGS IN LIFE”.    In every aspect, Marco Glorious is definitely a man to follow. Let’s watch what Marco will be doing next….

Carlovy Musicc

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Model: Aquila Avevion Instagram: @aquila_aveion

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