Mark “RIZZ” Palmer – “Gold Dollar Models”


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Mark “RIZZ” Palmer

He’s a young photographer trying to make Golden Dollars.  He takes phenomenal  pictures of beautiful things.  He want to change the world one picture at a time. He’s Mark “RIZZ” Palmer of Gold Dollar Models.

SKII:  If the name Gold Dollar Models the name of your company, where does RIZZ come from?

Mark:  RIZZ is a name that was  created back in high school.  An ex-girlfriend gave me that name.  Everyone in high school began calling me RIZZ and the name just stuck with me.  Two years ago, I started a photography company with my brother – GOLD DOLLAR MODELS.  I just added RIZZ to photography and it just became RIZZ Photography. 

SKII:  You started RIZZ Photography 2 years ago, why photography?

Mark:  I started “RIZZ”/Gold Dollar Models” company 2 years ago but, I started taking photography seriously about 9 months ago.  My mother made my business better.  She always wanted to become a model and she didn’t know how to get into the business of modeling.  One day my mom and I was watching some modeling show and they had a guy shooting the models with a very nice camera.  I had a camera already but it wasn’t as nice as the guy shooting the models on television.  My mom (her name is Carol) then turned to me and said, I am going to get you a nice camera for Christmas.  And when Christmas came, I had this beautiful camera under my tree.  A Nikon camera. I started  doing photo shoots and then fashion shows in lower Manhattan.  I eventually started taking individual photo shoots for up and becoming models and I would help build their portfolio.  I loved it. 

SKII:  You said you started your company with a business partner.  Who’s your partner and where is your studio located?

Mark:  My partner is my older brother Ricardo.  At first he didn’t want to be a part of the business.  He wasn’t really taking it serious.  He wasn’t into the photography thing.  I was the photographer of the family.  I then asked Ricardo, what do you want to do with this company?  I’m doing all the work and you’re not helping.  I then told him we can make something great out of this.  We can make money.  We can make a magazine or a newspaper or whatever.    We can take this far.  Ricardo then turned to me and said, alright man.  I’m going to try.  And he has.  He really started to participate.  He stood by me ever since.  I rent out studios in Manhattan or wherever I can get studio space.  Some time’s I will do it right in my living room.  I will hook up my lights and backdrops.  I love taking outside shoots also.  Can’t wait for summer.

SKII:  Were you born here?

Mark:  I was born in Jamaica.  Jamaica the island.  Not Jamaica Queens.  Although I was born in Jamaica, my mom raised me in Toronto Canada.  We then moved to New York when I was 13 years old.  I am a New Yorker by heart.  I love New York.  I don’t remember Jamaica because we moved to Canada when I was really young.  I don’t remember Canada that much but what’s so strange about Canada, I remember the smell of Canada.  I loved the way Canada smelled.  I think that’s crazy.  What about you?  (We both laughed).

SKII:  What job have you had before becoming a photographer?

Mark:  I worked at a computer store.  A technology store that sold computers.  I worked at the cash register.  People would come in and speak to the assistants and then I would check them out.  Corny right?  I really didn’t like it too much.  I wasn’t going anywhere with them.  So I left.  I became more serious about photography.  I feel I’m doing something positive.  Looking at me, you probably think I’m a party pooper.   But I’m not.  I’m a loner.  I don’t have many friends.  I stick to myself.  I take my work very serious.  I take my models very serious.  I make sure my work is great.  I take what I do serious. 

SKII:  Is photography a right now job or will you be doing this for life?

Mark:  That’s hard to answer.  Right now, I think photography is something for right now and for my future.  I want to truly invest into it more.  I’m passionate about my work.  I do want to build it into something really big.  An empire eventually. But right now, I love helping the models build their portfolio. And one day, I will have my magazine. 

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SKII:  What’s your goals?

Mark:  I’m 25 now.  Hopefully by the age of 45, I hope I’m working for a major television company, magazine company  or modeling company.  GOD willing, I will build my empire into something major and people will call me and ask for a job.  I know it’s in the works.   I’m looking to work with someone major.  I work hard and my work will show proof of it.

SKII:  You’re a young entrepreneur making it as a photographer.  What do people your age think about your work?

Mark:  Some are very happy for me.  They love what I do.  They expect me to work at their events because they know I’m good with what I do.  They bring me models and other businesses sometimes.  Others are, I guess jealous of me.  I can see the way they look at me.  Some of them think what I do isn’t lucrative.  They ask…  How are you going to pay rent, car notes or anything just doing photography.  You need a job.  A real job and then make photography your side job.  But I know what I do and how much I get paid for doing it.  I’m going to prove them all wrong.  I’m still going to do what I want to do.  I’m still going to take pictures of whom I want to take pictures of.  It will pay off one day where I won’t have to worry about anything.  I will continue to take pictures of beautiful people and just keep doing what I do best.

SKII:  Who inspires you?

Mark:  What inspire me is other photographers.  I fell in love with their work.  I would watch them take classy pictures and I would wish I could take those pictures the way they did. My eyes are always open to new things.  When I see other photographers and I see how great their work is, I get jealous sometimes.  I want to be better than them.  And I try my best.  So, other photographers inspire me. 

SKII:  What would you tell someone who want to become a photographer?

Mark:  It’s going to take time to build up your name.  Be focused and passionate about what you want to do.  Always take your pictures at the right angles with the right lighting and settings of the camera.  Study your camera and become one with it.  Know everything on that camera, so that your work can be successful.  Invest into a good camera if you’re that passionate about photography.  Don’t listen to people telling you not to do it.  Do it.  Go after your dreams.  I am. 









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