Michelle Anglin

I finally caught up with Michelle Anglin,  of Anglin Productions.  She’s  been  a very busy lady!  A woman of many talents!   I asked her so, What have you been up to?   I have been writing and editing quite a lot!  Currently, I’m producing and editing a movie calledBoughetto.   Boughetto is about five “boughie” women, who grew up in the ghetto. They are all trying to make it in NYC.   I   began writing this  web-series- Boughetto in 2013.  Boughetto is currently on You-Tube as a Webseries

_AAW0599I was born and raised in Harlem, N.Y.  I currently reside in the Bronx.  I always wanted to become a writer.  I’ve been writing poetry as a young child.  In my early 20’s,  I began putting my poetry together and tried to pursue to publish a book.  I continued writing.  Around  2008 to 2010,   I began writing short stories books, and plays.   One play in particular, was called.. (“I Lost My Heart In Haiti”).  One of my friends, directed the play and  wrote  all original songs in the play.  It became a huge success.  In 2010- 2011,   I’ve   decided to return to film.  That’s my passion in life.  I decided to take  a few classes in film to further my career as a film maker.  Boughettois my first film as a  film director/producer.  Later on down the road, I will be  coming out with a new play called, “The Drunken Musical”, with a friend of mine.  I’m a woman of many talents.  I love this industry.

 I then asked MA of Anglin Productions..  Where do you see yourself, five years from now?   She answered;   I see myself established.   Everyone would  know my name.   If you don’t know my name, you would want to get to know me after seeing my work.  Everyone  would want to know me as a Writer, Producer and Director.

People in this industry, sometimes get tired of doing this type of work because, they haven’t made it big… yet.  But they keep going because,  they have people behind them,  telling them,  “You  can do it!  You can make it! Just keep going.”   I am fortunate enough to have people like that in my surroundings.  There are quite a few,  who  are great friends like…   Anngeannette Pinkston,   (Hey..  that’s me), Adrienne  (A. Lyric), and other people who believes in me.  They believe in me more than I believe in myself sometimes. These are the people who inspire me.  They are the  people who pushed me to go forth.  They are the people who told me to  be all that I can be.  That’s what I am doing.  Being all that I can be.   One day, everyone would know my name…   Michelle Anglin of Anglin Productions

Hank Pegeron

 10 years ago

Tony Munroe

 10 years ago

One thought on “Michelle Anglin”

  1. We’re at the launching …and I think u ladies did a great job.i wish u all the success their is …well done job to all of u.

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