
Joey Williams  (Epic)

This morning, I am interviewing Joey Williams, AKA Epic.  He’s a young rapper, venturing into great things. I asked him…  […]

10 years ago

 Eloria – Make-up Artist

Today I spoke  to Eloria.  She  has been a very busy person lately!     Eloria told me, she has many jobs.   […]

10 years ago

Kofi Black

I spoke to a young and upcoming singer from Staten Island, Kofi Black. I asked him,  What have you been […]

10 years ago

A. Lyric

This morning, I had an opportunity to speak with A. Lyric.  I wanted to know, What have you been up to?  She said, […]

10 years ago

Anthony McCarthy / Flava Life

I interviewed Anthony McCarthy,  who is the creator of a clothing line called “Flava Life.”   While talking to Anthony McCarthy, He […]

10 years ago
Featured-Right  Music

Michael “DJ Mike” Calise

I interviewed Michael “DJ Mike” Calise.  He has been in the industry as an entrepreneur, since 1979 and has been […]

10 years ago

Albert Felder / Angry Elephant

I interviewed  Mr. Albert Felder, the founder of Angry Elephant, over the phone today.  AF currently reside in Florida.  AF stated, […]

10 years ago


I interviewed a designer, whose designs have been the talk of the town.  Her name is Matrix.  She’s a designer […]

10 years ago
Featured-Middle  Music

Lenny Green

Q:  What have you been up to lately? A:  I always try to maintain a busy schedule.  The most that […]

10 years ago

Team Lyric

Is a Christian Rap Duo .  Kamesha  Pipkin , is her government name, but she is best known by  her nickname of Lyrical […]

10 years ago