The Connecticut 2nd Annual “Black Heritage Ball” Recap

Black Heritage Ball

I’ve attended “The Connecticut 2nd Annual  Black Heritage Ball”  event on Saturday, March the 21st, 2015 at the “OMNI Hotel Of Yale”.  This was my first time attending such event and it was a glorious affair.  I was at the event as Press, representing my magazine, SKII Magazine, “There’s No Limits To Reaching The Top” and this is just a recap of some of the wonderful people who attended the grand affair…….

The Black Tie Affair (Mini Stories)

SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking to an attendee, Eric.  What brings you here, today?

Eric: I just wanted to offer my support this year.  This is actually my first time here; but, this is their second annual anniversary.  It’s really great! It’s very interesting and I’m honored to be here.

Right now, I’m waiting for a friend. She just moved here and she’s fashionable late – but, she’s well worth waiting for.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Jonathan Beman. What brings you here?

I decided to come this year with my beautiful wife to check out the performances. We’re just honored to be here.  This is actually our first time being here and  we’re glad and grateful to be here.  We are from Connecticut and we came to support the event.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Hope Tierra-Williams. Where are you from?

I’m from Bridgetown, Connecticut.  This is my first time here and I’m enjoying every moment of it.  I came  because,  my aunt educated me on this event. I wasn’t familiar with it, but I’m glad I came.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Jeannette Angie Livingston. Where are you from? What brings you here?

Hope:  I’m related to Carolyn Vermont and this is my cousin, Hope.  We’re celebrating Black Heritage and this is my second time attending. I’m very proud and can’t wait to see what happens.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Andrea Nixon. Where are you from?

I’m from Connecticut – all my life.  The Black Heritage is why I am here. This is my second year coming and I’m excited to be here!


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Terry Anderson. Where are you from?

I’m from Connecticut.  My friend Ena Williams is receiving an award! I’m so proud of her.  This is actually my first time here. I’m so excited to celebrate Black Culture.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Jeannette Brownsworth. What brings you here?

I traveled roughly twenty miles to be here, because my dear friend, Ena Williams is receiving an award tonight and I’m just showing my support! Really proud of her.  This is my very first time and the people are wonderful!  I’m so excited! Even more, so as to support my friend, but to also know and understand that our culture is an amazing thing.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Alex Williams. What brings you here today?

I’m here to celebrate our culture.  I’m from New Haven, CT.  This is my second time here.  I’m excited to see our culture being celebrated and to see the performances.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Liza Fret. Where are you from?

I’m only fifteen minutes from here. I live in Connecticut.  I came here to represent myself!  I also came to celebrate and to see who wins an award.  I want to meet new people and to make new friends. Just to have a good time.  This is my very first time.  And I’m enjoying the music a lot.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Amour Anderson. I just interviewed your wife, Terry Anderson, she explained why she’s here, but why are you here?

Amour: I’m celebrating a friend of ours, Ms.  Ena Williams! Also, I’m celebrating our Black Culture.  This is my very first time here and I’m enjoying myself.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Chareese Garrett. Where are you from?

I’m only thirty minutes away from Connecticut.  I’m here to representing UIL – United Illuminating Company.  This is my first time here and I’m enjoying myself. Glad I came out.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Brenda Fall. Where are you from?

I came from Stratford, Connecticut, which is about thirty minutes away.  I just came to celebrate the Black Heritage.  This is my first time here, and yes, of course I’m enjoying myself! It’s amazing, so far.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Kareen Fall. Where are you from?

I’m from Stratford, Connecticut  I came by myself. Just representing myself.  This is my first time, and I’m glad I came tonight – looking forward to seeing everything.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Anne and William Haynes. Where are you from?


I’m from New Haven, CT.  We just came to support our Black Heritage.  This is my first time here and we’re glad we came.  It’s amazing, so far.  We’re excited to see our culture being celebrated.


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Johnny Moore. Where are you from?

I live twenty minutes away from Connecticut.  I’m just here celebrating and enjoying myself.  This is my second time here and I enjoyed it every time!


SKII: I’m at the Black Tie Affair and I’m speaking with Alex Bishnaire. Where are you from?

I’m from Boston, MASS.  My wife and my friend’s wife are here with me tonight.  We’re friends with Glenn and Melissa, the owners of The Hour Shop in New Haven, CT and they’re sponsors. So, we’re supporting them.  This is our first time here. Speaking on behalf of myself, my wife and our friend, we’re very excited and having a great time! (Wife and wife’s friend nod in agreement.)


Cheryl Cooley Lead Guitarist/Singer “Klymax”

 9 years ago

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