Tony Munroe

I interviewed one of the best Producers of the film industry,  Tony Munroe.  I asked him;
What have you been up to?  Tony Munroe then replied……  I’ve   been producing films like D’CURSE and NARX.  I’ve also acted in them as well.  I won an Indie award for my film NARX and I am currently working on a new movie which should be out soon.  Because of my award winning movie NARX,   some influential people in Hollywood are expressing interest in me and my partner.  They want us to help them produce one of their films. I’m very excited about that.  I have been acting and producing films for over 20 years. I thought I knew everything there is to know about filming and producing.  I realized, that was so far from the truth. There is always something new to learn in this industry. Whether it be producing, filming, directing or writing, etc.  The name of our company is ACAJAMS.
_AAW0434I’m also an entertainment consultant.  If someone wants to enter the film industry, I would guide  them and  show  them how  to produce and direct their own films.  If they want to start a production company,    I would teach them and  show  them  how  to start  their own business.   I am one who would want to help people in the industry.  When I help people,  It  actually helps me by keeping  me grounded.  It reminds me  of where I came from.    I didn’t know everything there is to know  about this industry, when I first got started.  Someone showed me the way.  So, I’m showing other people the way.  It’s like…  Paying It Forward.  I’m giving back to the people, what was given to me.  GOD gave it to me.  I’m giving it back to you.  If someone doesn’t   have all of the money to start their business,   and  I see that they are determined to do it,  then  and only then,  I would help them and cover the costs.  I know It will come back to me in one way or another.   I don’t have to have a monthly stipen  to realize,  what I’m  doing for people  is the right thing.  .  .It just make me feel like  I was successful in helping the next person with their endeavors.   Believe me as I am saying this, What you give out, will be given back to you.   If  it is given from your heart,  GOD will give it back to you, three  times  greater.   I know.  That’s why I am so fortunate.
Not to get off the subject of film  but,  I just want to mention this to you.   I have my very own  fragrance  line also.  My fragrance line includes…   Body Oils and Body Creams. My fragrance line is appropriately named “Tony M. Celebrity Oils.” It’s a big hit among the  celebrities  and non celebrities.  .  There are over 40 different fragrances now.   I started out with 25.    All of my body oils and  creams are ordered by numbers. So, if you ever get the chance to go online and order some of my fragrances, you would  go to  TONY M CELEBRITY OILS   and  then  order  the  fragrance that you want  by the  easy to remember numbers. Each of my oils smells great,  and  it will smell great on you!   Ok.  Back to  my discussion about  filming.
Where do you see yourself five years from now>  I see myself well established.  Our name  will be well known  in Hollywood  and  every where else.  As I stated earlier in this interview, many people  want to work with us.  Thank you GOD for all you’ve done for me throughout my life.  My last question for Tony Munroe  is….
Who inspires you the most?
There are a lot of people in my life who inspire me but, the one person who inspired me from a child till now,  is my mother.    I went to college.  Then I went into the military for 4 years.  Then I worked for the Post office  for five years and from there, I began working for the Police Department.  I worked for NYPD for 21 ½  years.  Once I retired,   I ventured  into the filming and production industry.  I continued to work.  I’ve been  working  since I was able to work for the Summer Youth Jobs .  My mother installed that into me.  My mother worked hard for many years, making sure her family had everything and didn’t want for nothing.  Tony continued saying…    My mom worked  to make things better for her family.   So, I decided to work hard and get myself established and provide for my mom.  It’s  my turn to give my mom everything she want  and deserves.  My mom is the number one person in my life, who inspired  me the most.

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